Chef, Ayurvedic Health Counselor & Founder

Taryn Black

how we feed ourselves is rooted in truth and health

Use your food and daily rhythm as medicine

Open your senses and fall in love with the abundance of food in your local environment

Learn the energy of your food as a roadmap towards whole & connected health

Practice self- trust around what authentic wellness and happiness feels like

Embody, empower & care for your truth

As an Ayurvedic Health Counselor, I can evaluate your prakruti (constitution/ nature) and vikruti (imbalances) & offer guidance towards restoring your wellness with culinary and lifestyle practices. Knowing our constitution is insight into what we are made of at our core, the unique characteristics of our personality, how we feel and how our bodies move. 

Ayurveda works by maintaining our equilibrium as our inner and outer environments change throughout any life experience, age & season. Based in the theory of the five elements, every individual is considered a

unique pattern of space, air, fire, water and earth.

By working with tangible food practices, we include the concepts of a bottom up approach: using the physical body and sensations to tune into and balance our emotions and relationships. Everything is connected & there is always flux.

Our healing comes when we open ourselves up to real connections.

I would love to learn with you