
We believe in learning from our food & consider it a vessel for empowering real health

Every individual is unique and receives nourishment in different ways

We support our wellness by bringing awareness to our senses & feelings in relation to the world around us. Then we discover how to respond in authentic and balanced ways. Our food is nature’s diversity. It connects us to all aspects of beautiful life, including our own bodies. We are so grateful to be on this journey of exploration as we play with our food & create nourishment for feeling good.

"If you do not try to make food delicious, you will find that nature has made it so"

Masanobu Fukuoka

AYURVEDA, like nature, teaches us how to be adaptable

At INRTHM, we are all about using food inspired by change for optimal wellness

Ayur (life) Veda (wisdom) is a holistic approach to well being that recognizes the intimate connection between the environment, body, mind and spirit. It teaches us the qualities of nature and how they present in us. Its food & lifestyle practices sync with circadian & seasonal changes that have inherently balancing benefits, empowering us to strengthen, regenerate & revitalize naturally. *imbalances and illnesses are considered preventative when eating & living in harmony with our environment.

An Ayurvedic approach to nourishment is based on its understanding of health as holistic harmony within and without, how our qualities meet the qualities of our environment. All of life is composed of space, air, fire, water and earth in varying patterns. This is what creates the individual’s unique constitution and the diversity of life’s experiences such as landscapes, foods, seasons, climates, times of life, emotions and everything in between, gross and subtle. Bringing awareness to the elements & how their qualities express in our inner & outer worlds is the foundation for determining how and what to eat.


A cyclical diversity of whole plant foods, relaxed mind body functions & good digestive capacity…this is not an exclusive list, but rather our focus at INRTHM towards supporting your food habits and digestive health.

There is an abundance of seasonal plant foods that grow around us. They provide the minerals, vitamins & diversity of nutrition we need to replenish homeostasis and feed our bodies as a whole system. We are made of these same cyclical patterns and so, by building a relationship with our local & seasonal foods, we learn how to embody our true nature & feed ourselves for balance and vitality. Discovery & remedy.


Local and seasonal foods is a way of eating that gives back to our collective environment, community and regenerative farmers. Considerate of a greater whole, all of our food is sourced as close to home and the harvest date as possible. Valuing real food and real people, vital and pure energy.


The highest content of fiber is found in pulses. Fiber serves as fuel for gut bugs that goes on to feed the mitochondria inside your cells (generators of energy necessary for all of your body’s functions, your prana & vital life force). It also removes accumulation that blocks our bodies natural functions, including extracting & assimilating proper nourishment from what we ingest.

detoxification, digestion & energy

From cuisines all around the world, there are variations of flavorfully balanced dishes that pair pulses with whole grains, complimentary proteins that provide all of our essential amino acids. Discover the energetic balance of this pairing with Creative Kitchari , an Ayurvedic meal style woven into all our services for a delicious and holistic experience. Whether we cook it for you or teach you how, join us on a journey to fulfilling & practical wellness.

Be nourished by your environment

& feel well in your truth